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Ultime notizie di Crypto

Bitcoin Miners Face Profitability Crisis: Forced Selling and Mergers Ahead

Bitcoin Miners Face Profitability Crisis: Forced Selling and Mergers Ahead

In the face of financial adversities, Bitcoin miners are exploring mergers and strategic acquisitions for enhanced efficiency and sustainability. Bitcoin miners’ profitability has plummeted significan...

Pubblicato a: 2024-07-02

Robinhood Expands Crypto Services with Futures Trading

Robinhood Expands Crypto Services with Futures Trading

Cryptocurrency companies are expanding globally. Robinhood plans to offer crypto futures trading services. Continue Reading: Robinhood Expands Crypto Services with Futures Trading

Pubblicato a: 2024-07-02

Vanar Offers Ultra-Fast Transactions and Low Costs

Vanar Offers Ultra-Fast Transactions and Low Costs

Vanar addresses high transaction costs and slow speeds in traditional Blockchain networks. It aims to facilitate widespread adoption in finance, gaming, and healthcare sectors. Continue Reading: Vanar...

Pubblicato a: 2024-07-02

Robinhood eyes crypto futures in US and Europe

Robinhood eyes crypto futures in US and Europe

Robinhood's potential entry into crypto futures could significantly boost market liquidity and competition, impacting global crypto trading dynamics. The post Robinhood eyes crypto futures in US and E...

Pubblicato a: 2024-07-02

BTC clings to $62K as US labor data fuels market watch

BTC clings to $62K as US labor data fuels market watch

With the United States economy still struggling with unemployment and a decrease in manufacturing, Bitcoin (BTC) is capturing the interest of investors who want to speculate on the Federal Reserve’s f...

Pubblicato a: 2024-07-02

Crypto Market Set to Soar: Bullish Insights from CCData’s 2024 H2 Outlook

Crypto Market Set to Soar: Bullish Insights from CCData’s 2024 H2 Outlook

CCData, an organization authorized by the UK’s financial regulator, the FCA, to administer benchmarks, stands out as a key player in the digital asset data sphere. The company provides high-quality, r...

Pubblicato a: 2024-07-02

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