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NewsBTC 2024-06-30 06:57:48

Bitcoin Records Surge In Retail Investors – Is A Price Rebound On?

According to data from CoinMarketCap, the price of Bitcoin declined by 5.25% in the past week falling below the $60,000 mark. This price dip adds to the string of negative performances in the last month during which BTC has lost 9.88% of its value. However, Bitcoin has recently seen an increase in buying interest despite its recent price dips and popular notions that the maiden cryptocurrency is bound to remain in a consolidation state for now. Prominent crypto analyst Ali Martinez has now stated another development that characterizes the resilient interest in Bitcoin amidst its current overall bearish trend. Related Reading: Analyst Identifies Bitcoin Liquidity Pools You Should Be Aware Of Going Into July Retail BTC Investors Return In Numbers: Incoming Price Rally? In an X post on Saturday, Martinez reported that the number of new Bitcoin (BTC) addresses reached 352,124 on Friday. This figure marks the highest level since April and breaks a downtrend that has persisted since November 2023. Based on this data, the crypto analyst announced a resurgence in the number of retail Bitcoin investors indicating renewed interest from key players in the market. For context, retail investors refer to individual investors who trade assets for their personal accounts. They typically trade in smaller quantities than organizations but are quite important for market stability and liquidity. Generally, a rise in retail investors represents an increase in the token’s demand due to an influx of new participants to the market which can subsequently translate into a rise in market price. Furthermore, this surge in new addresses can be interpreted as a positive signal stating that individuals have disposable income and are willing to invest in speculative assets like Bitcoin. Finally, retail investors can also serve as a barometer for market sentiment with their increased activity indicating a broader bullish sentiment on Bitcoin’s future in the market. Interestingly, Bitcoin’s price already saw a slight increase of 0.92% on Saturday, briefly surpassing the $61,000 mark. However, it is still too early to determine if this price bounce could trigger a market rebound for the most valuable cryptocurrency. Related Reading: Is The Bitcoin Price Correction Over? Here’s The Support Level To Watch Bitcoin Price Overview At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at $60,884, as it continues to move within the $60,100 to $63,200 range. The token’s daily trading volume has decreased by 49.16% and is now valued at $12.7 billion. If Bitcoin bulls can generate sufficient buying pressure to break out of this sideways movement, the asset could potentially return to $67,000. Conversely, if the coin experiences a price breakdown, it could fall as low as $40,000. Featured image from The Defiant, chart from Tradingview

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