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EU Implements Stricter Regulations on Cryptocurrency Exchanges Starting December 30th

EU Implements Stricter Regulations on Cryptocurrency Exchanges Starting December 30th

The EU imposes new regulations on cryptocurrency exchanges, enforcing the Travel Rule to enhance anti-money laundering measures and transparency.

Ripple’s CLO Criticizes US for Lagging in Crypto Regulations Compared to Global Counterparts

Ripple’s CLO Criticizes US for Lagging in Crypto Regulations Compared to Global Counterparts

Stuart Alderoty, the Chief Legal Officer of Ripple, has openly criticized the U.S. for its lack of clear cryptocurrency regulations, raising concerns...

How Labour’s Win in the UK Elections Could Transform Crypto Regulations

How Labour’s Win in the UK Elections Could Transform Crypto Regulations

The Labour Party’s impending victory in the UK general elections has sparked discussions regarding its implications for the cryptocurrency market, as...

Vitalik Buterin Critiques Crypto Regulations Amidst SEC Onslaught, Investors Continue Hedging With Pepe, Shib And Rollblock In Search of Crypto Safe-Havens

Vitalik Buterin Critiques Crypto Regulations Amidst SEC Onslaught, Investors Continue Hedging With Pepe, Shib And Rollblock In Search of Crypto Safe-Havens

It’s no secret that Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin is not fond of the SEC. He has regularly critiqued the methods of US regulatory bodies, criticizi...

XRP Regulations Criticized by Former Solicitor General Amid Rising Bipartisan Crypto Support Ahead of 2024 Election

XRP Regulations Criticized by Former Solicitor General Amid Rising Bipartisan Crypto Support Ahead of 2024 Election

The landscape of crypto regulation in the United States is evolving as the 2024 presidential election approaches. High-profile figures like former Sol...

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